To say that my life took me away from this blog is pretty much an understatement. I'll try to sum up very quickly what's been shaking since I last updated this blog.
1. I graduated college and maintained an A+ average the whole time. This was no small feat and I'm bitter because I found out that my A+ averages in my online courses did not count towards my overall GPA so I did not in fact earn those tassels I so desperately wanted. But hey, I'm done, and I know that I rocked it.
2. Our foster Shelby was adopted out after 9 months to an amazing family. In a very cruel twist of fate, Shelby has a rare diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. She is currently on meds, but things don't look promising. She has a vet appt. next week to see how her quality of life can be improved. I'm blessed her adopter and I have become friends and are in contact. I'll be there for them and for Shelby in any way that I can.
3. My son was recently kicked out of pre-school (for anger and melt downs) and subsequently has been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder right after his 5th birthday. He attends OT 1x a week and sees a play therapist 1x a week as well. As this was the 3rd time he was tested, I'm glad we finally received a concrete diagnosis. I am however not happy at how is pre-school handled the situation. Having a heartbroken child is awful, messy, and very damaging to his self esteem.
4. Bellona's age is really starting to affect her. She has trouble getting up after lying down. I notice her standing in odd ways to compensate for a weak back end. Her legs have started to tremor every now and then. There are no obvious signs of arthritis and we may need to consider seeing a neuro to explore the possibility of degenerative myelopathy. It could also be she is simply aging and I'm prone to freak outs given my past experiences with Max. I'm pretty sure I will throw up if I have to take her to see the same neuro, the same office, the same place we let him go. We need to attempt another senior blood panel as the one we did this weekend was awful. As in blow 2 veins before we get to a 3rd with her alternating between trying to escape and wanting to eatthe limb closest to her. We will lightly sedate her the next time. It was so stressful for us all.
5. I still find a few hours every Sunday to photograph our adoptable animals at the shelter. It's essentially my time to recharge my batteries and find a sense of peace. I look forward to the day Becks is 6 so he can become a junior volunteer with me. He's been to the shelter a few times just to look and he is quite taken with our free roaming cat room.
Well, that's about it for now. I don't think I will be blogging every day by any means, but I hope I can get back into it and share my experiences.
I leave you with a shot from our x-mas cards.
- Jennifer